As a mother of six
beautiful children (ages ranging between
7-17), when things happen in their lives it is so easy for my thoughts to
begin to go into worry overload. What's ironic about it is that I never worry
about things until they make a bad choice that goes against everything I've
instilled in them. With that said lets
talk about my Saturday night. On Saturday night, the day before week 7 of
"A Confident Heart" chapter 9 OBS (on line bible study) began I find
out my 14 year old son made a bad choice. He said some very inappropriate
things to a girl that put me in a state of worry. My first initial thought was,
" that boy is sooooo lucky he isn't here", he was sleeping over a friend's
house that night. The thoughts that followed looked and sounded a little like
ü What if this is a
generational curse that's being passed on to him.
ü What if he continues
to speak this way and it turns into some inappropriate behaviors.
ü What if he doesn't
trust God with his choices.
ü What didn't I teach
ü Where did I go wrong?
ü Should I have gone
to work after 16 years of being a stay at home mom.
ü Maybe I should just
quit my job and be available/ present every moment.
worrisome thoughts were endless. I can honestly say I felt like this picture
looks. That night I cried myself to sleep venting with God and telling God how
angry, disappointed, hurt and worried I was about the choice that my son Fredo
made. I questioned myself as a mom a million times that night, then again
Sunday morning. It was so much easier to levitate towards those negative
thoughts. I can literally feel the battle between God trying to speak peace to
my heart and all of those negative thoughts brewing in my mind. I quickly turned
on worship music as I got ready to go to church to help drown out all that
negative thinking. As I heard the lyrics of Hillsong that said,
" I'll stand
with arms high and heart abandoned, In awe of the one who gave it all. I'll
stand my soul Lord to you surrender all I am is yours,"
just began to cry out to God asking Him help me surrender my worries to Him.
Sunday Morning we arrived at church, I see my son, say hi and just am very quiet
and short with him. At our church every
Sunday we have communion and I remember thinking how angry I was and how I
didn't want to take communion. When the pastor presents communion he always
give us a short time to self- reflect and during that time I could hear God
faint but clear telling me; Sharon this is your chance to put your worries a side and Trust
me. My thought was, really God he needs to know that I'm angry and this is
not okay. God continued telling me, this is your chance to extend mercy to him
and show him through forgiveness how much I love him. I thought to myself for a
brief moment, Ughhh, seriously, I don't want to ; but quickly cast that thought
down, turned around and told my son, Fredo, I'm aware of the inappropriate
things that have been coming out of your mouth and I want you to know that I'm disappointed,
hurt and very worried about you. He prostested for a quick second and put his
head down in shame. I continued, "but I want you to know that I love you
and no matter what you do I will always love you". With uncontrollable
tears in my eyes I held him so tight and at that very moment wished I could
protect him from the world. God lovingly told me, Sharon that's not your job,
just love him. Out of all my children Fredo has always been the one that I've
worried about the most. Lets quickly rewind to about 3 years ago.
facing academic struggles with the same son, Fredo, God gave me Psalm
91 after walking out of a conference that would reveal that Fredo had an
academic disability. I remember leaving that meeting thinking, Lord, why did he
have to have my bad brains, why couldn't he not only look like his daddy but
have his brains also (that was 3 years ago, I've accepted my brains hehehe). I
felt like I failed as a mom because he was diagnosed with an academic disability
that I felt he inherited from me (crazy
how the devil wrap us up in our own negative thought and insecurities).
That day I chose to hold God at his word and pray that Psalm over Fredo. Well, today
Fredo is freshman in high school, is and honor roll student and has been since
the year they diagnosed him with that academic disability.
I asked myself this question, "what is the difference today from 3 years
ago"? My answer, not much. You see today God has reminded me of that Psalm
yet again. Today, like 3 years ago I choose to hold God at his word, and God
promised me this in verses 14-16 of Psalm 91...
14 “Because he
loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With
long life I will satisfy himI will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
and show him my salvation.”
Is God telling me
that Fredo will never again make a bad decision, ummmm No, most likely not. But
what God is reassuring me is that I can Trust HIM, GOD!!!! I can replace those
thoughts with his word, with this amazing Psalm. His word clears my negative
thoughts and I can be worry free, because I know that the creator of this
entire universe, author of my life, my husbands life and of my children's lives
holds us in the palm of his hand so I can have peace and simply rest!!! My choice? I choose NOT to Worry!!