Friday, February 7, 2014

I too have access to those treasures?

Isaiah 45:3-5
New King James Version (NKJV)
I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places,
That you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.

Has there been a time in your life when for many years God has shown you a scripture, be it in your alone time with Him, in a message on a Sunday morning or even through a word that was spoken over your life and you just know, that you know, that you know that it holds a secret just for you but you just don't quite know what it is?

Well this scripture has been that for me, until this week that is, during our OBS through Proverbs 31. I can't say that weight has been a struggle for me. But I can say that I struggle with believing God. As I kept reading this scripture I began feeling that nudging feeling again of, there is a secret in this for you Sharon. Well silly owe me of course think to myself, ..."okay Lord when you want to reveal things to me you will". But the more I thought about it the more I felt there was a secret in it for me. It wasn't until today that I began to try and break down the verse to see if I would discover what God was trying to tell me. So this is how I began....

Treasures of Darkness- Treasures that the enemy has kept from us, from our families..Treasures locked up that haven't been see for years maybe. In this point in time it was the treasure that the Babylonians were withholding from the people of Israel.... "Oh yeah that's awesome", I thought!!!

Hidden riches of Secret Places- Hidden riches that obtained in that secret place, riches for Just me!!!...Oh hmmm interesting!!!

As I went on trying to dismantle this, God began speaking life through this verse and this is what He showed  me. Sharon....

Jacob...It was in that dark moment when Jacob wrestled with God that he received his blessing, because he persevered and would not let go. Though he came out limping he received a new name, Israel which means, he who struggled with God. was in the darkest moments of God's people that Moses saw GOD in the secret place and received the ten commandments.
Joshua.... it was in the darkest moment when Moses had died and Joshua was chosen to lead Israel into the promise land. He did it afraid, was led by God, chose to believed God and the walls of Jericho fell down. was in the darkest moment when David (the anointed of God) sinned against God, repented and went on to be called a man after God's own heart! was MY SON, in the darkest moment when he was nailed to that Cross, conquered Death and obtained VICTORY for you.  Went to the pit of hell took back the treasures of darkness and gave you those hidden riches that the enemy for so long kept from you!

WOW!!!! You see we too have access to those treasures of darkness, to those hidden riches! What allowed every one of these men to obtain it? They LET GOD LEAD them!!!! They went through great trials to obtain those treasures and when they felt unqualified or lacked strength, they went to the source, the one who CALLED them by name! That they, that you, that I would know that HE (GOD), the Lord, who calls you (insert your name here) by your name, IS the God of Israel. All for the GLORY of HIS Name!!!!

all pictures were obtained from